1619 Main St. | Brockton, MA 02301

We do more than just insure!

Independent Insurance for Home, Auto, and More in Brockton, MA

If you are seeking affordable insurance, you can trust Diamond Insurance Agency. As an independent agency, we can compare rates from top companies to find you the best deal and coverage. We’ve been doing it for over 20 years! See the difference Diamond Insurance Agency can make on coverage for home, auto, renters, condo, boat or watercraft, motorcycle, umbrella, and commercial insurance.

It is our friendly, conscientious service that helps set us apart, and the pricing we offer that keeps customers returning. You won’t find this type of coverage at these prices at many other agencies, and you won’t find agents that care more about their clients anywhere else! We also speak Arabic to help a wider clientele. (نحن نتكلم أللغة العربية) Call today or request a quote to see how much we can save you.

Diamond Insurance Agency |
1619 Main St.| Brockton, MA 02301
| 508-580-4848 | sam@diamondinsuranceagency.net